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ÖV42: AI-powered Green Mobility
The 1st Ecosystem Start-Up of 42hacks saving tons of CO2
together with a strong Alliance
Public Transport and Green Mobility as THE secret Climate Champion
27x less CO2 emissions
per passenger-km
A train journey releases 27x less CO2 than a comparable journey in a regular car per passenger kilometre. The environmental impact of trains with two floors is even better.
Source: BAFU, Avenir Suisse, SBB

Our Approach
Our Artificial Intelligence to power smart mobility
Historical and real-time mobility data is analysed by our artificial intelligence (AI) and gives us insight into:
Traffic relationships between multiple points down to 1 km2 accuracy Peak times and traffic volumes.
Travel time comparison between car and public transport
The CO2 emissions of the mobility volume of a region or municipality
Optimisation potentials, e.g. for timetable density or first and last mile
Our Goal
Decrease Modal Split of Motorised Individual Vehicles and save tons of CO2 by harnessing the power of AI
Despite a modern public transport network in Switzerland, the car is still as popular as it was more than a decade ago. But it is precisely this shift towards green mobility options, particularly public transportation, that would significantly reduce CO2 emissions. Over 40% of CO2 emissions come from mobility, largely from private motorised transport, i.e. driving a car.
So we asked ourselves:
What if we could double the percentage of public transport in total traffic?And more importantly, how can we achieve this?
Anker Approach
Our Approach
Agile Experiments for Behavioural Change
We apply radical co-creation and invite different stakeholders to develop and
test mobility solutions with us.
More needs-based offers should contribute to, sustainably influence people's behaviour towards a more climate-friendly choice of means of transport.
ÖV42 succeeds as the 1st 42hacks Start-Up
A Strong Alliance with Industry Partners
Fully Committed to the Success of ÖV42
Meet the Co-Founders
ÖV42 in the Media
Anker Press
Blast from the Past
How the Idea was born
Already before the Start-Up Alliance «ÖV42» was founded we were hacking around the topic of AI and Mobility under the hypothesis that there is a tremendous untapped potential.
Together with a group of dedicated 42hacks members (some of which today are Co-Founders of ÖV42) we developed a Pitch for the «Shift2Rail & Siemens Mobility hackathon Hack2Rail» in October 2021.
We won the 1st Prize in this Pitch, which was a huge motivation to keep pushing for AI-powered Smart Mobility.
The high-level jury was formed by nine members, under the patronage ofMs Adina Vălean, European Commissioner for Transport, and co-chaired by Mr Kristian Schmidt, Director of Land Transport, European Commission and Ms Rosalinde van der Vlies, Director of Clean Planet, European Commission.
Watch the Pitch (full length) in the Video below.
And the Announcement of the 1st Prize Winners
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