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Our Ecosystem Start-Ups

We make good ideas unstoppable to fight against Climate Change

Starting with the biggest greenhouse gas emitting sectors 

Green Home Anker


Buildings are responsible for 40% of Europe's energy consumption and more than a third of its total greenhouse gas emissions.
How can we help both home owners and renters become more aware of this and make greener choices in their home?

Implementing first idea with partners

Dominik Hiller, Mauro Dürr, Fabienne Ruggli, Hermann Arnold

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Food accounts for roughly 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions. In our commitment to mitigating the environmental impact of the food system throughout the supply chain, we are develope and accelerate profitable business cases and products to reduce CO2. How can collaborative efforts among stakeholders lead to transformative solutions for a more sustainable and eco-friendly food industry?

Testing ideas and building business cases

Matthias Paulus, Jeannine Kiser

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Green Food Anker

Green Mobility

Shifting Modal Split towards higher usage of green mobility options to help save tons of CO2.

1st Ecosystem Start-Up «ÖV42» founded
in July 2022
collaborating with a strong alliance 

Marc Stoffel
Nicolas Vergara
Dianis Caro
Christoph Forsting
Jessica P. Schmid
Tom Suter
Julien McHardy
Lucia Burtscher

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We need everyone to make a difference.
Hack the Climate Crisis with us!

You are a
Concerned Citizen

You are concerned about ClimateChange and want to help by volunteering your time and shareideas?

We can guarantee fun people collaborating for seriousimpact! Join our weekly, freeonline Hackathons. 

You are already or wish to be workingon a Climate-related startup idea?You need some inspiration, you want to share your ideas or lookfor new team members?

The 42hacks Community connectspeople who fight for the same cause! 

You are a
Disruptor / Innovator

You represent a
Company / Municipality

Climate is an increasingly importanttopic in your organisation, company or municipality and you look for strong partners?

We are already working with a largenumber of employers and politicians and are happy to connect with you. 

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